Company Profile


We will engage in environmentally friendly agriculture and aim to produce better agricultural products.
 We will comply with GAP standards and disclose production process management information.
 We will promote contract farming and sustainable agricultural production.
Through agriculture, we will promote employment and contribute to the community.

Message from the President

Ibusuki Yasai no Okoku” has established agriculture as a business, but there were hardships at the start of the business.

The story of “Ibusuki Yasai no Oukoku” is about a trio of inexperienced farmers, led by the representative, Ryoma Yoshimoto, his younger brother, Yoshihisa Yoshimoto, and his junior, Yuki Tanohata, who worked hard, covered in sweat and dirt, believing in their dreams and success.
Our farming business began by chance, but it is with the support of many people, including employees, senior farmers, and customers, that the Kingdom has been able to continue to grow.
We want our customers all over Japan to enjoy safe, secure, and delicious vegetables. With this single-minded focus, we have produced high quality vegetables and accumulated a variety of know-how. We believe that it is our mission to return these resources to like-minded farmers.
We are now in the process of maturing as a company, with new goals such as expanding overseas and strengthening sales.
We would like to continue to grow our business with passion and challenge so that the world will be able to enjoy safe and healthy Japanese vegetables in the future.
Ryoma Yoshimoto, CEO of Ibusuki Yasai no Oukoku Co.

Company Profile

Company Name
Ibusuki Yasai no Okoku Co,.Ltd.
1824-2, Yamakawa Oyama, Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture,
891-0514, Japan
Tatsuma Yoshimoto, CEO
Phone number
FAX number
April 2010
anuary 2012
10 million yen
Business Description
Production and sales of agricultural products
Certified farmer by Ibusuki City,
Certification No. 4-36
Group Companies
Nankyu Yasai no Okoku Co,.Ltd
Yasai no Oukoku Fruits and Vegetables Co,.Ltd
Toshinaga Yasai no Okoku Co,.Ltd
Hokkaido Yasai no Okoku Co.
Related Businesses
Stir-fried meat and vegetables Vejiro Namba
Major Customers
Delica Foods Co,.Ltd
Marmasa Foods Co,.Ltd
Food Supply Co,.Ltd
Local wholesale markets
Main Equipment Tractors
Head Office Facilities
・Agricultural Equipment Yard
・Tractor warehouse
・Seeding area
・Pesticide storage room

Seedling greenhouses

Collection and shipping facilities
・Two refrigerated warehouses
・Vacuum pre-cooled warehouse
・Cardboard warehouse

History of Ibusuki Yasai no Oukoku Co,.Ltd

January 2012
Ibusuki Yasai no Oukoku Co,.Ltd. established as a corporation
March, 2014
1st refrigerator started operation, approx. 170 m2
Capable of storing 1,600 boxes of vegetables, refrigerated at 5 degrees Celsius or lower
September 2014
Nankyu Yasai no Okoku Inc. established as a corporation.
Achieved sales of 500 million yen
July 2018
Toshinaga Yasai no Okoku Incorporated
Acquisition of 10 seedling greenhouses (approx. 1 ha)
April 2020
Obtained GLOBAL G.A.P. certification (GGN: 4063061285560)
Oct. 2020
Vacuum pre-cooler introduced.


Complying with GAP standards and disclosing information as proof of safety and security

What is Global GAP?

GAP stands for “Good Agricultural Practice,” and it is beginning to spread around the world as a standard that guarantees safety and security.
From the perspective of protecting the safety and security of food and people, GAP is gradually becoming more widespread at production sites.
GAP is a system that certifies that all production processes, including not only the quality of agricultural products but also the use of agricultural chemicals, the environment such as soil and water quality, and the safety of farm workers, are in compliance with certain standards after a third party examines them.

Our Approach

Ibusuki Yasai no Oukoku acquired Global GAP certification in 2020 (certification of “agricultural products with an international safety management evaluation” that is widespread in 124 countries, mainly in Europe).
In compliance with Global GAP certification, the establishment of appropriate internal controls, material management, and human resource development have improved the level of quality management and realized the production of uniform vegetables required for commercial use.
By adhering to strict international standards, we are now able to ship vegetables at the high level required for export.

GAP's Four Themes for Proper Agricultural Management

  • Crop Safety
  • Environmental considerations
  • Producer safety and welfare
  • Farm Management and Marketing Management

Benefits to Farm Producers

  • Standardized farm management
  • Reliable farms
  • Stabilization of transactions

Examples of GAP initiatives

1.Documentation of operations

Clarification of hazardous areas in farm work
Passing on skills


Inventory reduction
Improvement of work efficiency

Our strength

We are honest in our manufacturing

Stable prices and stable supply, unaffected by market prices

We deal directly with our customers.
We do not go through a market where vegetables are sold at auction or on a negotiated basis, but rather we make a contract on the price of delivery at the beginning.
When determining the price, if the price is too low and we cannot make a profit, we honestly tell the customer that we cannot make a profit.
We do not ask for an unreasonable price increase, only an increase in the actual cost.

There is a difference in enthusiasm and determination.

We always try to find the best cultivation method for each variety and how delicious the vegetables can be in season.
We want our customers to enjoy safe and delicious vegetables.
We must never let them run out.” We put our lives on the line every day to grow vegetables.
That is how proud and responsible we are of our vegetable production.

There is a difference in enthusiasm and determination.

We always try to find the best cultivation method for each variety and how delicious the vegetables can be in season.
We want our customers to enjoy safe and delicious vegetables.
We must never let them run out.” We put our lives on the line every day to grow vegetables.
That is how proud and responsible we are of our vegetable production.

Fertilizer design to improve the soil to suit the crop and environment

The soil in the Ibusuki area is basically black-bok soil suitable for agriculture, sandy and gravelly soil derived from Mt.
Ibusuki Yasai no Oukoku, which has fields in various locations within the area, needed to create soil tailored to vegetable production in each field in order to ensure stable production in terms of both quantity and quality under such an environment.
We diagnosed the soil and developed our own fertilizer formulas. We established a fertilizer application method that complements the roles of organic and chemical fertilizers and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The soil for vegetables was created while controlling nitrate nitrogen in the soil. We are also particular about high-quality compost and organic fertilizers, and use our own organic fertilizer made from a mixture of rice bran and shochu (distilled spirit).
With this in mind, Ibusuki Yasai no Okoku is constantly monitoring and reviewing the condition of the land, aiming to create soil that will lead to higher quality production.

Related Company

野菜炒め専門店 ベジ郎

Stir-fried meat and vegetables Vejiro Namba

Opened in August 2023 in Chuo-ku, Osaka.
We are operating the store as the first franchise owner as a fruit and vegetable producer of “Vejiro,” a restaurant specializing in stir-fried vegetables, which is operated by Food Supply, a vegetable wholesaler.
Vejiro is a restaurant concept that allows customers to consume more vegetables, with the concept of “350 grams of vegetables needed by an adult per day in a single dish.
We also wholesale cabbage and other vegetables to Food Supply for use in other restaurants, and we would like to continue to help promote vegetable consumption, including supplying vegetables.

We supply safe and secure vegetables with careful attention.

We look forward to hearing from you by phone or through our contact form.

Contact us by phone

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00~17:00
Ibusuki Yasaino oukoku Co.,Ltd